I'm Santos,
I'm a Software Engineer crafting responsive and accessible web applications available across as many devices as possible, to users of all backgrounds
I'm a Software Engineer crafting responsive and accessible web applications available across as many devices as possible, to users of all backgrounds
In December, I attended the Gotham DLT Hackathon at Microsoft, where I presented a demo for a decentralized medical documents ledger and symptom tracker called Health Notes.
In November, I worked on a team of four to present our startup, BeMore,a platform to encourage employers to sponsor employee volunteer hours at local nonprofit events.
In September, I and four other members, pitched a startup, MyMonitorApp, a platform for patients to log data from their blood pressure monitors to share with their doctors and caregivers.
Single-page application displaying a map and interactive list of locations in Geneva, Switzerland, created as the final project for Udacity’s Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree
A digital Bookshelf application built with React
Tile Matching Game completed as part of Udacity's Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree
Project 3 of the Grow with Google Challenge Course through Udacity. A Pixel Art Maker built with jQuery
A JS Countdown Timer expanded from Wes Bos' JavaScript30 course
An interactive map listing restaurants in New York and reviews. Completed as part of the Udacity Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree